Monday 22 December 2014

In the chemo ring: rounds 2 and 3

Hi there

Sorry not to have posted earlier, have found chemo 2 and now 3 very tiring and quite gruelling. Still that's me now halfway through so the end of the treatment programme is in sight!

For chemo 2, I was accompanied by 2 best friends, Susan and Nicky who livened up the proceedings with Christmas dressing up, horoscope reading and of course the quintessential general girlie 'putting the world to rights' chat! Evidence of silly hat wearing below...

and of Nicky testing out her Santa outfit before it gets 'halved' for her lovely CafĂ© Cognito (if you visit there before Christmas you'll see the final product on the ceiling!)
For chemo 3, another best friend, Donna joined me and regaled me with tales of teenage parenting which had us both crying with laughter... She was also witness to the 'small' bag of take home drugs which leave with me after each session!
The last few weeks have been a rollercoaster emotionally - in true festive style, I think I have been each of the 7 dwarfs i.e. grumpy, sleepy, happy, dozey, bashful, dopey etc.

I think I'm still me somewhere in amongst all this 'chaos' though - as you can see from the pic above taken in early December when I was I'm celebrating my friend's special birthday. On that day the 'wig' got its first official outing and yes that is a glass of bolly in my hand although its only 9.30 in the morning so although it was serious Gaviscon to follow, I did manage a drink which as you will know is very me!!

Not least were the school Christmas plays, where both of my gorgeous boys did a fantastic job (Elliot's highly comic performance as an ugly step sister was a moment that will lift me every time I think about it... yes that's him with the big blonde wig!)
So only a short post today to keep you up to date and to let you know that I'm hanging on in there... thank you so so so much for all the hugs, texts, emails, cards, flowers, wonderful food parcel deliveries and very generous gifts as well as your humour, energy, patience and support...

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and I can't thank you enough for all your support to date,

with much love


PS Here's a link to a page again, please don't feel obliged at all, its just that a few folk have asked me again about how to: Post a comment to this blog. If it doesn't work, pls email and let me know :)