Saturday 31 January 2015

Light at the end of the tunnel...

Just a short update page in response to lots of messages which say I've been a bit quiet (unlike me I know!). After chemo 4 it took at least 10 days to start to feel human again due to a combination of nausea, tiredness, headaches and Olympic level heartburn (which no amount of drug seems to be able to kick into touch!).

However the last few days I've managed some long overdue catch up coffees and lunches with wonderful friends and colleagues who have made me laugh and smile again which has been lovely :) I've also been treated to some lovely pampering reflexology and reiki. Thank you to each of you...

Round 5 is on Wed 4th Feb - I've been advised my 'spin doctor' (his quote 'chemo gets a bad press' - I wonder why!!) that I'm likely to feel worse due to the effects being cumulative so as they say, 'brace for impact'.....

If you have a really good 'can't put down' book that you'd recommend please let me know as reading helped distract me through the recent 10 crap days. Meantime watching the West Wing has become my new addiction :)

As someone said: 'Every day many not be good, but there is something good in every day'.

I'll try and post again sooner than it took me this time!

A huge thank you for keeping in touch with your cards, messages and emails, it really really helps me and particularly on tough days :)


PS Here's a link to the page on how to: Post a comment to this blog. Just in case you want to use it...


  1. Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday, but don't let me tire you out. On the book front, try the casual vacancy by j K Rowling, it's a cracking read, may not be long enough though.

    1. Fab suggestion Claire and even if I'm rubbish I'll be seeing you on Thurs for sure, wild horses wouldn't stop me :) xx

    2. Hi Skez, gutted couldn't get up with Claire, hopefully soon. I've read Dawn French Tiny bit marvellous - funny and real. JK one also good. Big hug Lors xx

  2. Hello Mrs R,
    I would suggest under a half yellow sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi, or if you have read that Americana by the same author is also a cracking read. I hope to be back in God's country in April and hope that we can arrange to do lunch then 😀.
    Love Mr A.

    1. Thanks for the reading suggestions Mr A and really lovely to hear from you - I'll hold you to lunch in April - just let me know as soon as you know dates :) xx

  3. West Wing is fab - glad you're enjoying it. Will email a list of books once I've trawled through my kindle. Lots of love from all the Blacks xxx

    1. Thanks lovely and hope to see the 'all blacks' soon :) xx

  4. I've got half of a yellow sun if u want it? Did u get thru the books I brought? If not, those are my fave ever books so wd recommend those. I can also recommend the Divergent trilogy. It's a "young adult" type story - like hunger games and twilight. They are well written and great escapism books. Lots of love xxx

  5. My suggestions include:
    "The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared" by Jonas Jonasson - quirky Scandinavian humour
    "The Complaints" - Ian Rankin, but without Rebus
    "The Cuckoo's Calling" and "Silkworm" by Robert Galbraith (or JK Rowling, really!)
    "A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away" - Christopher Brookmyre - just rebought on the Kindle, and it still has one of the best rants about Aberdeen I've ever read.

    First 4 also available on as audiobooks, which is where I "read" them.

    Take care

  6. Thank you Donna and Conor and to everyone who's replied by email and text also. This reading list should keep me going for a while :) Round 5 tomorrow - bring it on!!

  7. Sending you all our love and hugs as always. Finally managed to post a comment! Hope to see you soon. Goldfinch by Donna Tart - brilliant book and I think you'd like it too. Ellie and the Hardy boys xxxxx

  8. gracias, después de mi visita a tu blog, me dieron un montón de información útil con suerte para mí ahora y en el futuro.

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