Tuesday 28 October 2014

And so to chemo...

Sorry it's been a while since I posted anything - its been a strange kind of limbo up and down past few weeks but at least I've got a chemo start date now of 5th November.

Took off to Edinburgh and Loch Lomond last week for the school holidays to chill out with the boys - took a trip on a sea plane across the loch... 
drank plenty of malbec ...
and generally tried to relax...
I've recovered well from the surgery but if honest would probably rather go through another operation than go through chemo but am going to have just get on with it and focus on the outcome...
So its a dizzy itinerary of flu jab, wig fitting and blood tests prior to next Wed - affa exciting eh!
If I was to try and describe the head crank of getting this disease, the best I could probably do at the mo is to say that its like trying to reframe your future i.e. what you thought was normal now has to be defined as a new normal and due to my usual level of impatience I wish I knew what the new normal will be NOW! I realise that time will be a great healer and so amongst the many lessons I'm learning is that I need to develop more patience and enjoy the 'now' - oft said but less practiced...every day I try and focus on small 'treasures' and coincidences and that's probably as close as I can get to articulating my weird and wonderful thought processes of the mo :) Enough of the philosophy!
Great day yesterday, spent the day kind of 'working' (yes I know I'm supposed to be off) but I was just being kept in the loop about what's going on and I really really enjoyed it. So much so, brace for impact my lovely 'team electra' cos I'm coming in for a cuppie and a visit Monday :) :)
There were lots of lovely texts and messages to try and catch up on (sorry if I'm late getting back to you, I will get there) and then watched Elf (all time best Christmas movie ever!) with the boys and I laughing out loud at all the eminently quotable lines we repeat to each other every year, I'm singing/I'm in a store/and I'm siiiiiingiiiiing!/I'm in a store/and I'm siiiiiingiiiiing!  and of course SANTA! OH MY GOD! SANTA'S COMING! I KNOW HIM! I KNOW HIM!
so with only 57 days to Christmas...
Will post again after next week's first Chemo session (unless of course the Wig Fitting episode is particularly good which I suspect it will be but those pics may have to remain censored!)
PS I just like to smile! Smiling's my favourite :) I could now be really cheesy and ask you to smile at someone today - as someone once told me "Thou shall smile and have a nice day for it confounds those who have other plans for thee".


  1. Keep quaffing the Malbec, Skerry! Its health benefits are well documented (or so I keep telling myself!) :)
    Love you loads! xxx

  2. Great to hear you had a fab holiday. Hopefully the fear of the chemo will be the worst of it. Wishing you all the strength to get through it all Skez. Much love. XXX

  3. Fabby pictures! Great boys and you look great. The wine works. Can't wait to have a glass or three. (Sober for October).
    Too true about the here and now. I don't take time to enjoy it enough.
    If you need to smile, just remember its not just boys who need to tuck bits away for sport! Sorry to those who are not privy to the joke...

  4. Big hugs Skerry, love to you all, Rach xxxx

  5. If you discard any of the wigs can you send them my way as the Canadian winter does get bloody cold ;-) x

  6. Will be thinking of you tomorrow Skez. All the best. XXXX

  7. Thinking of you, patience isn't my strong point either so I can sort of imagine what you mean, went through the same impatient wanting to know the new normal when Andrew was diagnosed with epilepsy. Not really comparable but know what it's like not to be in control of the outcome. Do you know how many sessions yet?
