Sunday 9 November 2014

Autumn Wigfest!

So here's a few samples for a viewing and a giggle... cast your vote if you want to, I can always buy a few more ;)
And that's the last of the seven!


  1. I love the first two, they look fabby xxx

  2. Crikey! They didn't half make me giggle! My vote goes to number 1 (a nice change, and it suits you) or number 5 which is (in my view) closest to your current look. Love you!

  3. Had forgotten how they all looked great, sooooo much that Nics & I were wanting to try them on too as they were so fantastic...looking AMAZING dal......S :)

  4. No. 1 - defo, it doesn't look like a wig at all. You look gorgeous. If not No. 3 is a close second.

  5. LOVE number 1!! number 5 and 7 are also ace :) x

  6. I say 1 or 5. As it's -18c here today I'll take the rest :-)

  7. I agree with Claire, 1 and 2 are fab and both suit you xx

  8. Day one at Blog School. Grumbly! Glad that you liked the Latin

  9. Mum xx said...

    Your fashion parade of wigs was very good. The best one I thought you looked great was the last one No. 7.

    11 November 2014 13:14

  10. Darling Skerry, Having seen your wig on and in the flesh on you, I think you look amazing! you actually look great in all of them and you also look gorgeous with nothing on as you have fabulous bone structure.I loved spending this morning with you and despite what you are going through it is always a joy to be in your Company. I am so proud of you Skerry, you are such an inspiration and you are dealing with this so well and think you are a strong and very special woman, rest up this weekend and I look forward to seeing you again very soon, love Donna A xxxxx :)

  11. Don't know if it was number 5 or 7 you had on today, but when we got home Matthew said ' I thought Aunty Skerry was going to be wearing a hat' and didn't believe me when I said you had a wig on. Gorgeous as ever xxx Jules xxx
